Video Interviews

Lev Manovich

Lev Manovich on Database Driven Movies

Lev Manovich is the author of Soft Cinema: Navigating the Database (2005), The Language of New Media (2001) and Professor of Visual Arts, University of California, San Diego.

Excerpt from: Outside the Box: New Cinematic Experiences (2005).

Nick Montfort

Nick Montfort on Interactive Fiction

Nick Montfort is an interactive fiction writer, author of Twisty Little Passages and Phd candidate at the University of Pennsylvania.

Excerpt from: Outside the Box: New Cinematic Experiences (2005)

Toni Dove

Toni Dove on Interactive Video Environments

Toni Dove is an artist/independent producer who works primarily with electronic media, including virtual reality and interactive video installations, performance and DVD-ROMs that engage viewers in responsive and immersive narrative environments.

Excerpt from: Outside the Box: New Cinematic Experiences (2005).

Troika Ranch

Troika Ranch on Interactive Performance Design

Since forming the dance theater company in 1993, Artistic Directors Mark Coniglio and Dawn Stoppiello have been creating dynamic live performances that combine dance, music, theater and interactive digital media.

Excerpt from: Evolving Traditions: Artists Working in New Media (2002).

Cory Arcangel

Cory Arcangel on Game Modification

Cory Arcangel is a computer artist whose work is concerned with technology’s relationship to culture and the creative process.

Excerpt from: Outside the Box: New Cinematic Experiences (2005).

Jud Yalkut

Jud Yalkut on Immersive Environments

Jud Yalkut has been a media arts pioneer since the early days of video. A multi-disciplinary artist, Yalkut has created a broad range of work from collage to single channel videos to interactive video installations.

Excerpt from: Outside the Box: New Cinematic Experiences (2005).

Mark Amerika

Mark Amerika on Digital Narrative

Mark Amerika, a “Time Magazine Top 100 Innovator,” is the author of two novels, The Kafka Chronicles and Sexual Blood. Grammatron, a groundbreaking work of Internet art, was one of the first web sites to be included in the prestigious Whitney Biennial. Amerika is also the publisher of Alt-X, dubbed “the literary publishing model of the future” by Publishers Weekly.

Excerpt from: Evolving Traditions: Artists Working in New Media (2002).